程序包 | 说明 |
com.fr.cert.token | |
com.fr.cert.token.impl.crypto |
限定符和类型 | 类和说明 |
class |
ClaimJwtException is a subclass of the
JwtException that is thrown after a validation of an JTW claim failed. |
class |
Exception indicating that either compressing or decompressing an JWT body failed.
class |
Exception indicating that a JWT was accepted after it expired and must be rejected.
class |
Exception thrown when discovering that a required claim does not equal the required value, indicating the JWT is
invalid and may not be used.
class |
Exception indicating a parsed claim is invalid in some way.
class |
Exception indicating that a JWT was not correctly constructed and should be rejected.
class |
Exception thrown when discovering that a required claim is not present, indicating the JWT is
invalid and may not be used.
class |
Exception indicating that a JWT was accepted before it is allowed to be accessed and must be rejected.
class |
Exception thrown when
Claims.get(String, Class) is called and the value does not match the type of the
Class argument. |
class |
Exception indicating that either calculating a signature or verifying an existing signature of a JWT failed.
class |
Exception thrown when receiving a JWT in a particular format/configuration that does not match the format expected
by the application.
限定符和类型 | 方法和说明 |
protected byte[] |
EllipticCurveSigner.doSign(byte[] data) |
static int |
EllipticCurveProvider.getSignatureByteArrayLength(SignatureAlgorithm alg)
Returns the expected signature byte array length (R + S parts) for
the specified ECDSA algorithm.
static byte[] |
EllipticCurveProvider.transcodeSignatureToConcat(byte[] derSignature,
int outputLength)
Transcodes the JCA ASN.1/DER-encoded signature into the concatenated
R + S format expected by ECDSA JWS.
static byte[] |
EllipticCurveProvider.transcodeSignatureToDER(byte[] jwsSignature)
Transcodes the ECDSA JWS signature into ASN.1/DER format for use by
the JCA verifier.