public class RequestOptions
extends java.lang.Object
限定符和类型 | 字段和说明 |
protected Address[] |
A list of members which should be excluded from a call
protected short |
The flags set in the message in which a request is sent
protected ResponseMode |
The mode of a request.
protected RspFilter |
Allows for filtering of responses
protected short |
The scope of a message, allows for concurrent delivery of messages from the same sender
protected long |
The max time (in ms) for a blocking call. 0 blocks until all responses have been received (if mode = GET_ALL)
protected short |
transient_flags |
protected boolean |
If use_anycasting is true: do we want to use an AnycastAddress [B,C] or a unicast to B and another unicast
to C to send an anycast to {B,C} ?
protected boolean |
Turns on anycasting; this results in multiple unicasts rather than a multicast for group calls
构造器和说明 |
RequestOptions() |
RequestOptions(RequestOptions opts) |
RequestOptions(ResponseMode mode,
long timeout) |
RequestOptions(ResponseMode mode,
long timeout,
boolean use_anycasting) |
RequestOptions(ResponseMode mode,
long timeout,
boolean use_anycasting,
RspFilter rsp_filter) |
RequestOptions(ResponseMode mode,
long timeout,
boolean use_anycasting,
RspFilter rsp_filter,
Message.Flag... flags) |
RequestOptions(ResponseMode mode,
long timeout,
boolean use_anycasting,
RspFilter rsp_filter,
short flags) |
protected ResponseMode mode
e.g. GET_NONE, GET_ALLprotected long timeout
protected boolean use_anycasting
protected boolean use_anycast_addresses
protected RspFilter rsp_filter
protected short scope
protected short flags
protected short transient_flags
protected Address[] exclusion_list
public RequestOptions()
public RequestOptions(ResponseMode mode, long timeout, boolean use_anycasting, RspFilter rsp_filter, Message.Flag... flags)
public RequestOptions(ResponseMode mode, long timeout, boolean use_anycasting, RspFilter rsp_filter, short flags)
public RequestOptions(ResponseMode mode, long timeout, boolean use_anycasting, RspFilter rsp_filter)
public RequestOptions(ResponseMode mode, long timeout)
public RequestOptions(ResponseMode mode, long timeout, boolean use_anycasting)
public RequestOptions(RequestOptions opts)
public static RequestOptions SYNC()
public static RequestOptions ASYNC()
public ResponseMode getMode()
public RequestOptions setMode(ResponseMode mode)
public long getTimeout()
public RequestOptions setTimeout(long timeout)
public boolean getAnycasting()
public RequestOptions setAnycasting(boolean use_anycasting)
public boolean useAnycastAddresses()
public RequestOptions useAnycastAddresses(boolean flag)
public short getScope()
public RequestOptions setScope(short scope)
public RspFilter getRspFilter()
public RequestOptions setRspFilter(RspFilter rsp_filter)
public short getFlags()
public short getTransientFlags()
public boolean isFlagSet(Message.Flag flag)
public boolean isTransientFlagSet(Message.TransientFlag flag)
public RequestOptions setFlags(Message.Flag... flags)
public RequestOptions setTransientFlags(Message.TransientFlag... flags)
public RequestOptions clearFlags(Message.Flag... flags)
public RequestOptions clearTransientFlags(Message.TransientFlag... flags)
public boolean hasExclusionList()
@Deprecated public java.util.Collection<Address> getExclusionList()
public Address[] exclusionList()
public RequestOptions setExclusionList(Address... mbrs)
public java.lang.String toString()
在类中 java.lang.Object